Yeah, that pic is crazy. Though, I guess, so is my life.
Yah know, things really wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for stupid people & rain.
...but today is a bitch.
...& yesterday wasn't all that easy either.
It started bad & just got worse.
1st off, the cunt at the Library in Lincolnwood [the closest Library I can get on line because I owe the CPLs like $60] was just obnoxious for no good reason when I asked if I could use one of the hr long sit-down computers. They give out guest passes to non-residents who don't have a CPL card, & I haven't asked for this since last around this time last year. The hag was like "you can just use the stand up computers like you have been". Yet these computers are set up to not use flash drives & have no sound cards. I just wanted to sit cause my back hurt, & listen to music while trolling through craigslist. Meanwhile, there are a bunch of computers just sitting there that no one is using.
Then, at around 2ish, I walk across the street to sit down on the steps to the back entrance of a Mortgage Lender to eat lunch, & no sooner then I finish, some dill-weed, self-righteous fuck, who was probably younger then me, comes over all cock-sure saying "Hey, can I help you w/ something" I just look him square in the eye with a dead stare & say "No." Though, right after saying it I thought to myself I should have asked what he was offering. I hate it when people say things that are the complete opposite of what they mean. I just knew it would be lost on him, & that in truth he didn't give a shit about helping me. He goes on about how I should clean up after myself. I just apathetically agreed. [mind you I've been stopping there pretty regularly to chill for the past year, and never left a real mess] Then, as he's walking away, he says I shouldn't be smoking so close to the entrance, & then when he's far enough away that he feels safe he says "So, you goanna have to get out there, buddy. Ok?" I just nodded without giving him a backward-glance.
So, I left a bunch of garbage.
I almost made a bigger mess, but thought better just because it would have been more work. After this I bussed to a park to workout, the showered in their park-house. It's a service the city provides for the homeless, but it only open certain days & hrs. Which, should be in the morning, but of course isn't till after 3pm. People are stupid. I need to shower early in the day, before I go to job interview or something like that, and it's not like there not open. I just don't get it.
So, then I realized I lost my pack of cigarette butts, and spent awhile looking around for it. Though, to no avail. But! I did happen open a really small blunt roach. Which did get me a little stoned, or least that's what I told myself, and as much as I just wanted to sit enjoy by buzz & the weather, I had to run back to the Library see if a friend of mine [a guy I met dumpster-diving] came through. I had given him some cloths to wash for me. He's a good guy, but notoriously unreliable, and sure enough he never showed.
Now, since I was here [Library] I figured I check my email again to see if any of the craigslist gigs I had sent msgs to had gotten back to me. Sure enough, this one chick who need guys for a focus-group had responded, but here Email said she had tried to call. Alas, I had typed the wrong phone #. Yet, the plan was to go call her, and almost as if on cue, my phone starts beeping cause the battery was dieing. Now, as much as that sucks, I would have just charged it up, but when I thought about it, I hadn't seen my charger in days, nor could I recall the last place I had. Since then I've searched all my shit only to confirm it's gone. So, my only course of action [since the Library closed] was to go to the mall in the area and use one of the internet demo computer at a T-mobile store, get the girls #, & called her on one of their display phones.
I got her voice mail.
After that I was just down-trodden by it all. So, I walked over to the Dominick's dumpster I told you about, sat down, & wrought about all this.
I was goanna go back to the mall 1st thing today, but it's been raining & the holes is my utterly fucked shoes let my socks get soaked in a matter of minutes...
...and there isn't much worse then spending a day in wet shoes.
Well, I just keep telling myself it can only get better from here.
...but I said that yesterday too.

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