I've been working at a sandwich-shop in the northern suburbs of Ill. Since Monday. The 17 year-old that interviewed me tells me afterwards "everybody smokes here, we even have a manger that deals, and it pretty good weed too. You smoke don't you?" I said "who me? Never!...wait?...um?What Where we talking about?" I'm not sure if he got it.

I've been sleeping in the "woods" (I'll explain that in more detail when it doesn't jeopardize anything), because of the stupid Licolnwood cop who couldn't find anything more important to do but kick me out of the 6'x4' storage shed I'd been staying in since the end of June. It was 3am when the piece-of-shit decides to fuck with me. When he found me he say's "What are you doing here?" So, I tell him I'm homeless and he says "I don't care, you can't stay here!" Fucking moran! Why are the dumbest people given positions of authority. At one point he says out-loud. "Nice Bike! Wish I had a Cannondale!" I came back quick with "I'll sell it to you for $300. Cause I need a apartment more then I need a bike. He says, "Wish I had $300." Yeah, I'm so sure he's starving. Of course I end up getting a job a few days later, but that's just my luck. 2Months with a dry place to sleep and nothing to do, and as the second I find work I lose the roof over my head.

So, Jenny has been sending me these weird messages about how she feels like communicating, but only out of "simple curiosity". Meanwhile my "buddy" Dan, who had got all pissy when I told him me and her had hooked up has either already fucked her or is trying to, and thinks he can keep it from me. This is rather strange because he told me that he didn't want anything to do with her after he found out me and her had done the deed, but then when I was over by his place he calls some girl in front of me and then got all silly when I asked who it was. Saying that he couldn't tell because his girlfriend would get upset. The irony (for lack of a better word) is that shortly after she came in the apartment  she gets to talking about Jenny and how they all had hangout recently. I responded by telling Rebecca about how Jenny has been calling me and sending me the strangest Emails. Then she started talking about how she always calls so late and wants to hangout at the most fucked-up hours. I just agreed. She then started bitching about the long walks Jenny like to take. Again I just agreed. 

I can't say that I'm surprised by Dan's behavior. Although I will admit that I'm rather disappointed that the shit-bag is so shallow that he'd go after the one girl I told him I really cared about. This just shows how much of low-life fuck he really is, but in truth I can't  say I didn't already know it.

So anyway...

The plan is to get him a little drunk, and then when he's not expecting it I'm goanna ask..." So? Dude, what does my dick taste like?" , and then "Do you think you upper lip will permanently smell like my balls?"  I'm not so upset that he had sex with someone I've fucked, but  that I figure his old-hag bad-mouthed me to Jenny, just to get her away from me. Besides the fact that he has a Bi-G.F. , and on top of that he's always bragging about the cute girls they have or will fuck.

If things are going that good why would anyone need to chase after the pussy I'm with at the time? Especially some who I've know for 15years and calls himself my friend?

Its just lame!   

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